“Your intuition is your super power”

My mission is to bring harmony between horses and their humans. I bring a whole-being approach to healing by looking at an issue from the perspective of the physical, mental & emotional as well as the energetic & the spiritual. I combine my medical knowledge as an human and animal chiropractor with my intuitive abilities as an interspecies intuitive, channel & shamanic practitioner to bring whole-being healing to both horse and rider. Through this approach we can improve harmony, performance, connection and health.


I’m Dr. Tracy Rainwaters

 I cannot remember a time where I was not completely in love with horses.  I was born with an innate connection to the animal kingdom and I always knew that I wanted to my career to focus around helping horses.  As an avid dressage rider and competitor, I was drawn to helping horses thrive physically.  I pursued my doctorate in Chiropractic and upon graduation, I immediately enrolled in an animal chiropractic certification program. 

For nearly two decades I have had the honor of helping horses achieve optimal mobility in performance.  What became very clear in my first year of practice was that my animal communication abilities were coming on strong!  Horses would show me images of what was going on within their bodies, the events that led up to it and what was going on with their humans that was affecting their wellbeing and performance.

In 2011, after seeking a healing session from a shaman, my whole life experience came into clear focus.  I never really understood the depth of my intuitive abilities and the energetic nature of my healing abilities.  I immediately enrolled in a two year shamanic training program and my life has forever been changed for the better.  It is such an honor and a privilege to combine by medical background & intuitive abilities with my shamanic energy healing techniques to combine a truly whole-istic approach to health & harmony for horse & human.

Why work with me?

It is my passion and my greatest gift to be a voice for the animal kingdom.  When we can approach the health and healing of ourselves and our animals from a perspective that goes beyond the physical into the spiritual and energetic, magic really can come forward.  It is my hope to realign every horse and human I work with to their heart’s desires and to help them fulfill their soul’s calling from a place of health, harmony and wellbeing.


*2003 - B.Sc. Kinesiology emphasis in Exercise Science & Biomechanics from California State University Fresno

*2007 - Doctor of Chiropractic - Palmer College of Chiropractic West

*2007 - Options for Animals - Animal Chiropractic Training & Certification

*2007 -  International Veterinary Chiropractic Association Certification

*2008 -  American Veterinary Chiropractic Association Certification

*2008-2010 -  Advanced Animal Chiropractic technique training from Options for Animals

*2011-2012 - The Four Winds Society - Healing the Light Body Training

*2014- Present -   Instructor at Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic

*2015 - Kinesiotaping I & II Training & Certification

*2016 - Fuerza Pilates Teacher Training Program

*2016 -  2020 -  Pilates Instructor with an emphasis on equestrian athletes

*2023- Neo-Shamanic Breathwork Practitioner Certification