Breathwork Can:


We all carry deep wisdom within us. Our breath is a vehicle to connect with the wisdom within. When we can navigate our inner terrain and move stuck emotions, we have the ability to connect with our deeper knowing.


Breathwork is a powerful tool to connect us to our intuition, our internal emotional states and it can allow us to shift into more empowered states of being.


When our breath moves, our lives move forward. Harnessing the power of our breath can truly change our experience of our lives. Our breath can allow for greater congruency in our being which is an immediate gift to our equine companions.


Deeper sense of connection, inner peace and harmony.

How I can help

Breathwork for Equestrians Course

I currently offer:

  • A 4 week self guided breathwork class

  • It provides exercises to identify & correct dysfunctional breath patterns

  • Instructions on how our breath affects our horses

  • Guided breathwork exercises & journal prompts

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • This course is a great introduction to breathwork and harnessing the connection to your breath

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Private Breathwork Sessions

Are you interested in a more specialized breathwork experience?  I offer breathwork riding lessons for you and your horse.  These lessons are designed to help you amplify your connection with your horse and refine your riding techniques.  Our breath is powerful tool  for connection with our bodies and our horses, it also is an asset in helping control and coordinate movement within our body.  I incorporate my pilates instructor background with breathwork techniques to help you improve your performance through the power of your breath.  These lessons are designed to enhance, not replace your current training program.  Lessons are 1 hour and can be done virtually.  I offer limited in person lessons in western Washington State. I look forward to hearing from you! $130

Horse Riding Breathwork Lessons

Lessons are 1 hour and can be done virtually.  I offer limited in person lessons in western Washington State. I look forward to hearing from you! $130 / travel fee may apply

Breathwork Clinics

I love teaching Breathwork clinics!  My one day format can accommodate 8 horse and rider pairings for a 45 minute one on one session.  We start the day with and talk on the basics of breathwork, we go through exercises on identifying your breathwork patterns and we do a group guided meditation.

My 2 day format offers a deeper dive into breathwork, meditation and how we influence our horses through our breath.  Day 1 starts with learning to identify our breath patterns, how we can correct them.  We do group exercises on developing our feel and how we can utilize the power of our breath to enhance our feel with our horses.  We work with our horses on the ground, in group sessions to develop relationship through our breath and we learn how to attune our bio-electric field with our horses. Day 2 is a day of 1:1 sessions with horse and rider. Contact for rates & scheduling